Gargoyles (comics)

Gargoyles is a fictional team of characters appearing in comic book series by Slave Labor Graphics and Creature Comics which appeared between 2006 and 2009. It was based on the 1994 animated television series Gargoyles, and was written by series co-creator Greg Weisman. The comic continued the storyline of the first two seasons, but ignores much of the third season, The Goliath Chronicles.

Gargoyles (comics)

Gargoyles is a fictional team of characters appearing in comic book series by Slave Labor Graphics and Creature Comics which appeared between 2006 and 2009. It was based on the 1994 animated television series Gargoyles, and was written by series co-creator Greg Weisman. The comic continued the storyline of the first two seasons, but ignores much of the third season, The Goliath Chronicles.