Gas Stokers' strike

Gas Stokers' strike of 1872 was a serious political disturbance in the industrial south-eastern districts of Victorian London involving Trade Unionists, striking to assert their rights. The reaction of the radical Liberal ministry and the court case that preceded it proved a landmark in British industrial relations law. The shifting sands of the constitution and changing rights of workers informed the passage a decade later of Third Reform Act, enfranchising working-men for the first time.

Gas Stokers' strike

Gas Stokers' strike of 1872 was a serious political disturbance in the industrial south-eastern districts of Victorian London involving Trade Unionists, striking to assert their rights. The reaction of the radical Liberal ministry and the court case that preceded it proved a landmark in British industrial relations law. The shifting sands of the constitution and changing rights of workers informed the passage a decade later of Third Reform Act, enfranchising working-men for the first time.