Gasabo District

Gasabo is a district, (akarere) in Kigali city, the capital of Rwanda. The headquarter of Gasabo is located in kimironko Sector. The district also includes large areas of the city itself, including Kacyiru, Remera, Nyarutarama and Kimihurura. The district is the location of the Gisozi Genocide Memorial Site, the burial place of approximately 300,000 victims of the 1994 Genocide against Tutsis . In addition to the cemetery, the memorial has a related genocide exhibition area and library and has plans to develop a teaching centre on the history of the genocide.

Gasabo District

Gasabo is a district, (akarere) in Kigali city, the capital of Rwanda. The headquarter of Gasabo is located in kimironko Sector. The district also includes large areas of the city itself, including Kacyiru, Remera, Nyarutarama and Kimihurura. The district is the location of the Gisozi Genocide Memorial Site, the burial place of approximately 300,000 victims of the 1994 Genocide against Tutsis . In addition to the cemetery, the memorial has a related genocide exhibition area and library and has plans to develop a teaching centre on the history of the genocide.