Geding-Kasted Mose

Geding-Kasted Mose is a bog about 7 kilometers north-west of Aarhus, in the western section of the Egå river valley though which the river Egå runs. The bog covers about 30 hectares of which a sizable portion is used as meadows for grazing cattle. Other parts are cultivated but as the area is low-lying it is more or less flooded during winter. The bog has some waterholes and old peat pits which are now mostly concealed by thickets of primarily downy birch and grey willow.

Geding-Kasted Mose

Geding-Kasted Mose is a bog about 7 kilometers north-west of Aarhus, in the western section of the Egå river valley though which the river Egå runs. The bog covers about 30 hectares of which a sizable portion is used as meadows for grazing cattle. Other parts are cultivated but as the area is low-lying it is more or less flooded during winter. The bog has some waterholes and old peat pits which are now mostly concealed by thickets of primarily downy birch and grey willow.