Georges Ville

Georges Ville (23 March 1824 – 22 February 1897) was a French agronomist and plant physiologist born in Pont-Saint-Esprit. In 1843 he started his career as an interne in pharmacy. From 1857 to 1897 he held the chair of Physique végétale at the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle in Paris. He performed extensive pioneer studies on chemical fertilizers, largely carried out on his "experimental farm" (Ferme Georges-Ville) that was founded in 1860 at Vincennes.

Georges Ville

Georges Ville (23 March 1824 – 22 February 1897) was a French agronomist and plant physiologist born in Pont-Saint-Esprit. In 1843 he started his career as an interne in pharmacy. From 1857 to 1897 he held the chair of Physique végétale at the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle in Paris. He performed extensive pioneer studies on chemical fertilizers, largely carried out on his "experimental farm" (Ferme Georges-Ville) that was founded in 1860 at Vincennes.