Gideon L. Mapes

Gideon L. Mapes (1832 – May 15, 1895) was a 19th-century New York Sandy Hook Pilot. He was one of the oldest Sandy Hook pilots with his pilots' license dating back to 1852. He lost his life after boarding a White Star Line freight steamship coming into the New York Harbor. He was the pilot and part owner of the pilot boats Eben D. Jordan and Widgeon.

Gideon L. Mapes

Gideon L. Mapes (1832 – May 15, 1895) was a 19th-century New York Sandy Hook Pilot. He was one of the oldest Sandy Hook pilots with his pilots' license dating back to 1852. He lost his life after boarding a White Star Line freight steamship coming into the New York Harbor. He was the pilot and part owner of the pilot boats Eben D. Jordan and Widgeon.