Gilbert's dunnart

Gilbert's dunnart (Sminthopsis gilberti) is a recently discovered dunnart, described in 1984. The length from snout to tail being 155–180 mm of which head to anus is 80–90 mm and tail 75–90 mm long. Hind foot size is 18 mm, ear length of 21 mm and with a weight of 14-25 grams.

Gilbert's dunnart

Gilbert's dunnart (Sminthopsis gilberti) is a recently discovered dunnart, described in 1984. The length from snout to tail being 155–180 mm of which head to anus is 80–90 mm and tail 75–90 mm long. Hind foot size is 18 mm, ear length of 21 mm and with a weight of 14-25 grams.