Giulia Occhini

Giulia Occhini (born in Varano Borghi, 23 July 1922 – died in Novi Ligure, 6 January 1993), known as "La Dama Bianca" (“The White Lady”), was the lover of champion cyclist Fausto Coppi in a scandalous extramarital affair of the 1950s. Her nickname originated after the 1954 St. Moritz stage of the Giro d'Italia, when Pierre Chany, a journalist with L'Équipe, wrote: "We would like to know more about that lady in white (dame en blanc) we saw near Coppi,” referring to the snow-coloured duffel coat she wore.

Giulia Occhini

Giulia Occhini (born in Varano Borghi, 23 July 1922 – died in Novi Ligure, 6 January 1993), known as "La Dama Bianca" (“The White Lady”), was the lover of champion cyclist Fausto Coppi in a scandalous extramarital affair of the 1950s. Her nickname originated after the 1954 St. Moritz stage of the Giro d'Italia, when Pierre Chany, a journalist with L'Équipe, wrote: "We would like to know more about that lady in white (dame en blanc) we saw near Coppi,” referring to the snow-coloured duffel coat she wore.