Giusto de' Menabuoi

Giusto de' Menabuoi (c. 1320–1391) was an Italian painter of the early Renaissance. He was born in Florence. Probably, but not confirmed as, a pupil of Giotto, de' Menabuoi was notable for his use of bright colour and became a painter at the court of Da Carrara. Pursuing his own archaic style, far removed from Gothic style and realism of his contemporaries Altichiero and Jacopo d'Avanzi, he was to leave no trace in the development of subsequent Venetian painting. Giusto de' Menabuoi died in Padua and his burial site was re-discovered outside the Baptistry.

Giusto de' Menabuoi

Giusto de' Menabuoi (c. 1320–1391) was an Italian painter of the early Renaissance. He was born in Florence. Probably, but not confirmed as, a pupil of Giotto, de' Menabuoi was notable for his use of bright colour and became a painter at the court of Da Carrara. Pursuing his own archaic style, far removed from Gothic style and realism of his contemporaries Altichiero and Jacopo d'Avanzi, he was to leave no trace in the development of subsequent Venetian painting. Giusto de' Menabuoi died in Padua and his burial site was re-discovered outside the Baptistry.