Glück, das mir verblieb

"Glück, das mir verblieb" (German for "Joy, that near to me remained") is a duet from the 1920 opera Die tote Stadt (The Dead City) composed by Erich Wolfgang Korngold to a libretto by his father Julius Korngold. It is written for a soprano and tenor. Also called "Marietta's Lied" or the "Lute Song", it appears in act 1. For performances as a concert aria, a soprano will sing both parts.

Glück, das mir verblieb

"Glück, das mir verblieb" (German for "Joy, that near to me remained") is a duet from the 1920 opera Die tote Stadt (The Dead City) composed by Erich Wolfgang Korngold to a libretto by his father Julius Korngold. It is written for a soprano and tenor. Also called "Marietta's Lied" or the "Lute Song", it appears in act 1. For performances as a concert aria, a soprano will sing both parts.