Glimmande nymf

Glimmande Nymf! blixtrande öga! (Gleaming Nymph, flashing eye!), is one of the Swedish poet and performer Carl Michael Bellman's best-known and best-loved songs, from his 1790 collection, Fredman's Epistles, where it is No. 72. A night-piece, it depicts a Rococo muse in the Ulla Winblad mould, asleep in her bed in Stockholm, complete with allusions to both classical and Nordic mythology. The epistle is subtitled "Lemnad vid Cajsa Lisas Säng, sent om en afton" (Left by Cajsa Lisa's Bed, late one afternoon). Bellman's biographer, Paul Britten Austin, calls the song exquisitely delicate.

Glimmande nymf

Glimmande Nymf! blixtrande öga! (Gleaming Nymph, flashing eye!), is one of the Swedish poet and performer Carl Michael Bellman's best-known and best-loved songs, from his 1790 collection, Fredman's Epistles, where it is No. 72. A night-piece, it depicts a Rococo muse in the Ulla Winblad mould, asleep in her bed in Stockholm, complete with allusions to both classical and Nordic mythology. The epistle is subtitled "Lemnad vid Cajsa Lisas Säng, sent om en afton" (Left by Cajsa Lisa's Bed, late one afternoon). Bellman's biographer, Paul Britten Austin, calls the song exquisitely delicate.