
GoPago (pronounced ‘go’-’PAY’-’go’) was a cloud-based mobile payment platform with an integrated point of sale system, based in Pasadena, CA. GoPago's payment platform allows customers to purchase orders in advance of arriving at brick-and-mortar merchants and merchants to manage orders in real-time. In August 2012, GoPago released GoPago LIVE, an application-based tablet point of sale system, which are free to merchants. GoPago's mobile payments platform is cloud-based, which allows transactions processing without near-field communications or QR-code technologies. On December 11, 2013, Amazon (Global Payment Services) reached an agreement with GoPago to buy a license to its technology and hire certain members of its engineering team. On December 20, 2013, mobile commerce company DoubleBea


GoPago (pronounced ‘go’-’PAY’-’go’) was a cloud-based mobile payment platform with an integrated point of sale system, based in Pasadena, CA. GoPago's payment platform allows customers to purchase orders in advance of arriving at brick-and-mortar merchants and merchants to manage orders in real-time. In August 2012, GoPago released GoPago LIVE, an application-based tablet point of sale system, which are free to merchants. GoPago's mobile payments platform is cloud-based, which allows transactions processing without near-field communications or QR-code technologies. On December 11, 2013, Amazon (Global Payment Services) reached an agreement with GoPago to buy a license to its technology and hire certain members of its engineering team. On December 20, 2013, mobile commerce company DoubleBea