Goldfin tinfoil barb

Goldfin tinfoil barb (Hypsibarbus malcolmi) is a species of cyprinid fish that is found in Southeast Asia. It is native to the countries of Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia and Thailand where it is used as a food fish and in the aquarium trade. malcolmi is name in honour of Malcolm Arthur Smith, an English herpetologist who study reptiles and amphibians in Thailand.

Goldfin tinfoil barb

Goldfin tinfoil barb (Hypsibarbus malcolmi) is a species of cyprinid fish that is found in Southeast Asia. It is native to the countries of Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia and Thailand where it is used as a food fish and in the aquarium trade. malcolmi is name in honour of Malcolm Arthur Smith, an English herpetologist who study reptiles and amphibians in Thailand.