Greeks in Norway

Greeks in Norway form one of the country's smaller immigrant groups. The Greek community in Norway consisted of 1,671 individuals in 2009, up from 1,572 in 2008. As of 2009, 673 were immigrants, 41 were born in Norway to two immigrant parents, and 809 were born in Norway to an immigrant parent. The majority are established in Oslo. In 2019 the number of Greeks in Norway was 3,246.

Greeks in Norway

Greeks in Norway form one of the country's smaller immigrant groups. The Greek community in Norway consisted of 1,671 individuals in 2009, up from 1,572 in 2008. As of 2009, 673 were immigrants, 41 were born in Norway to two immigrant parents, and 809 were born in Norway to an immigrant parent. The majority are established in Oslo. In 2019 the number of Greeks in Norway was 3,246.