Greubel Forsey

Greubel Forsey is a Swiss watchmaking company specializing in complicated, high-end timepieces.It was launched in 2004 by Robert Greubel and Stephen Forsey and is based in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. Greubel Forsey makes timepieces with multiple tourbillons and inclined balance wheels with the aim of improving timekeeping precision.

Greubel Forsey

Greubel Forsey is a Swiss watchmaking company specializing in complicated, high-end timepieces.It was launched in 2004 by Robert Greubel and Stephen Forsey and is based in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. Greubel Forsey makes timepieces with multiple tourbillons and inclined balance wheels with the aim of improving timekeeping precision.