Grimoaldo of the Purification

Grimoaldo of the Purification (4 May 1883 – 18 November 1902) – born Ferdinando Santamaria – was an Italian Roman Catholic clerical student from the Passionists. He had expressed his inclinations towards the religious life from his childhood when he served as an altar server and was exposed to the Passionist charism; but he did not join until 1899 once his father approved of his dream, and he was professed in 1900. He then continued his studies – though this time for the priesthood – but died from meningitis before he could achieve this dream.

Grimoaldo of the Purification

Grimoaldo of the Purification (4 May 1883 – 18 November 1902) – born Ferdinando Santamaria – was an Italian Roman Catholic clerical student from the Passionists. He had expressed his inclinations towards the religious life from his childhood when he served as an altar server and was exposed to the Passionist charism; but he did not join until 1899 once his father approved of his dream, and he was professed in 1900. He then continued his studies – though this time for the priesthood – but died from meningitis before he could achieve this dream.