Grok Magazine

Grok Magazine is an Australian free student magazine. The magazine is written and produced by Curtin University students and published by the Curtin Student Guild. The magazine was started in about 1970 and named after a word indicating deep understanding that was introduced in Robert Heinlein's novel Stranger in a Strange Land. 2009 would see 5 issues published, and approximately 10,000 copies distributed per issue. These are distributed on the Curtin Bentley campus in Western Australia, as well as to many street location across the Perth metro area.

Grok Magazine

Grok Magazine is an Australian free student magazine. The magazine is written and produced by Curtin University students and published by the Curtin Student Guild. The magazine was started in about 1970 and named after a word indicating deep understanding that was introduced in Robert Heinlein's novel Stranger in a Strange Land. 2009 would see 5 issues published, and approximately 10,000 copies distributed per issue. These are distributed on the Curtin Bentley campus in Western Australia, as well as to many street location across the Perth metro area.