Groundhog Technologies

Groundhog Technologies is a privately held company founded in 2001 and is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. As a spin-off of MIT Media Lab, it was a semi-finalist in MIT's $50,000 Entrepreneurship Competition in 2000 and was incorporated the following year. The company received the first round of financing from major Japanese corporations and their venture capital arms in November 2002: Marubeni, Yasuda Enterprise Development and Japan Asia Investment Co. It received second round of financing in 2004 and since then has become self-sustainable.

Groundhog Technologies

Groundhog Technologies is a privately held company founded in 2001 and is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. As a spin-off of MIT Media Lab, it was a semi-finalist in MIT's $50,000 Entrepreneurship Competition in 2000 and was incorporated the following year. The company received the first round of financing from major Japanese corporations and their venture capital arms in November 2002: Marubeni, Yasuda Enterprise Development and Japan Asia Investment Co. It received second round of financing in 2004 and since then has become self-sustainable.