Häringe-Hammersta Nature Reserve

Häringe-Hammersta Nature Reserve (Swedish: Häringe-Hammersta naturreservat) is a nature reserve in Stockholm County in Sweden. The nature reserve consists of two peninsulas and several different kinds of landscape types. Häringe Castle is located within the nature reserve, as is and castle ruins. South of Häringe Castle, the landscape consists of open, arable land with interspersed groves dominated by maple, linden and sloan. Beneath the trees, flowers such as sweetscented bedstraw, spring vetchling, common toothwort and Viola mirabilis are known to grow. Further south the landscape changes into contiguous old coniferous forest. A small lake as well as the inlets of the sea provide important habitats for birds, who come here to rest during their annual spring migration. Birds such as s

Häringe-Hammersta Nature Reserve

Häringe-Hammersta Nature Reserve (Swedish: Häringe-Hammersta naturreservat) is a nature reserve in Stockholm County in Sweden. The nature reserve consists of two peninsulas and several different kinds of landscape types. Häringe Castle is located within the nature reserve, as is and castle ruins. South of Häringe Castle, the landscape consists of open, arable land with interspersed groves dominated by maple, linden and sloan. Beneath the trees, flowers such as sweetscented bedstraw, spring vetchling, common toothwort and Viola mirabilis are known to grow. Further south the landscape changes into contiguous old coniferous forest. A small lake as well as the inlets of the sea provide important habitats for birds, who come here to rest during their annual spring migration. Birds such as s