HD 21749

HD 21749 (HIP 16069, 2MASS J03265922-6329569) is an orange main-sequence star about 0.68 the mass of the Sun in the constellation Reticulum, located about 53 ly (16 pc) from Earth. On 7 January 2019, it was announced that the star has two exoplanets: a possibly rocky, hot sub-Neptune-sized exoplanet, named HD 21749b; and, a sub-Earth exoplanet, tentatively named HD 21749c (aka, TOI-186.02). These exoplanets were discovered by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS).

HD 21749

HD 21749 (HIP 16069, 2MASS J03265922-6329569) is an orange main-sequence star about 0.68 the mass of the Sun in the constellation Reticulum, located about 53 ly (16 pc) from Earth. On 7 January 2019, it was announced that the star has two exoplanets: a possibly rocky, hot sub-Neptune-sized exoplanet, named HD 21749b; and, a sub-Earth exoplanet, tentatively named HD 21749c (aka, TOI-186.02). These exoplanets were discovered by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS).