HD 3

HD 3 is a single, white-hued star in the northern constellation Andromeda. With an apparent visual magnitude of 6.71, it is below the nominal brightness limit for visibility with the typical naked eye but may still be visible by some observers under ideal viewing conditions. Based upon an annual parallax shift of 5.89±0.35 mas, it is located roughly 550 light years away. The star is moving closer with a heliocentric radial velocity of −18 km/s, and will make perihelion in around 2.9 million years at a separation of around 351 ly (107.71 pc).

HD 3

HD 3 is a single, white-hued star in the northern constellation Andromeda. With an apparent visual magnitude of 6.71, it is below the nominal brightness limit for visibility with the typical naked eye but may still be visible by some observers under ideal viewing conditions. Based upon an annual parallax shift of 5.89±0.35 mas, it is located roughly 550 light years away. The star is moving closer with a heliocentric radial velocity of −18 km/s, and will make perihelion in around 2.9 million years at a separation of around 351 ly (107.71 pc).