HOTAIR (for HOX transcript antisense RNA) is a human gene located between HOXC11 and HOXC12 on chromosome 12. It is the first example of an RNA expressed on one chromosome that has been found to influence transcription of HOXD cluster posterior genes located on chromosome 2. The sequence and function of HOTAIR is different in human and mouse. Sequence analysis of HOTAIR revealed that it exists in mammals, has poorly conserved sequences and considerably conserved structures, and has evolved faster than nearby HoxC genes. A subsequent study identified HOTAIR has 32 nucleotide long conserved noncoding element (CNE) that has a paralogous copy in HOXD cluster region (located between HOXD11 and HOXD12), suggesting that the HOTAIR conserved sequences predates whole genome duplication events at t


HOTAIR (for HOX transcript antisense RNA) is a human gene located between HOXC11 and HOXC12 on chromosome 12. It is the first example of an RNA expressed on one chromosome that has been found to influence transcription of HOXD cluster posterior genes located on chromosome 2. The sequence and function of HOTAIR is different in human and mouse. Sequence analysis of HOTAIR revealed that it exists in mammals, has poorly conserved sequences and considerably conserved structures, and has evolved faster than nearby HoxC genes. A subsequent study identified HOTAIR has 32 nucleotide long conserved noncoding element (CNE) that has a paralogous copy in HOXD cluster region (located between HOXD11 and HOXD12), suggesting that the HOTAIR conserved sequences predates whole genome duplication events at t