
The Hamaxobii (Ancient Greek: Ἁμαξόβιοι), Anglicized Hamaxobians or Amaxobians, were a nomadic tribe who lived in chariots with leather tents mounted on them. They were Scythians. They were said to be descendants of the Medes. They lived near the Palus Maeotis. Claudius Ptolemy places them along the Vistula river.


The Hamaxobii (Ancient Greek: Ἁμαξόβιοι), Anglicized Hamaxobians or Amaxobians, were a nomadic tribe who lived in chariots with leather tents mounted on them. They were Scythians. They were said to be descendants of the Medes. They lived near the Palus Maeotis. Claudius Ptolemy places them along the Vistula river.