Hanging Wood, South Yorkshire

Hanging Wood (or Highfields Wood) is an area of woodland situated between the old Great North Road and the Roman Road, and between the mining villages of Highfields and Woodlands in South Yorkshire, England. The Woodlands wildlife park and an ornamental lake, Highfields Lake are features of the wood, as is Woodlands, a former country house, now a social club. There is a record of one such attack in the Archives at Doncaster Council where a 'Hue and Cry' (Posse) was raised and said highwayman chased to Owston Village via Skellow before he evaded his pursuers.

Hanging Wood, South Yorkshire

Hanging Wood (or Highfields Wood) is an area of woodland situated between the old Great North Road and the Roman Road, and between the mining villages of Highfields and Woodlands in South Yorkshire, England. The Woodlands wildlife park and an ornamental lake, Highfields Lake are features of the wood, as is Woodlands, a former country house, now a social club. There is a record of one such attack in the Archives at Doncaster Council where a 'Hue and Cry' (Posse) was raised and said highwayman chased to Owston Village via Skellow before he evaded his pursuers.