Hans Raj (approver)

Hans Raj (born 1896) was an Indian youth, in Amritsar, British India, who in June 1919 became an approver for the British government when he gave evidence for the Crown at the Amritsar Conspiracy Case Trial in which he identified his fellow Indian revolutionaries, buying his own freedom in return. Shortly after the trial, he was transferred by the British to Mesopotamia. Historians have debated whether he was an agent for the police all along or simply took the opportunity to save his own skin by testifying for the British.

Hans Raj (approver)

Hans Raj (born 1896) was an Indian youth, in Amritsar, British India, who in June 1919 became an approver for the British government when he gave evidence for the Crown at the Amritsar Conspiracy Case Trial in which he identified his fellow Indian revolutionaries, buying his own freedom in return. Shortly after the trial, he was transferred by the British to Mesopotamia. Historians have debated whether he was an agent for the police all along or simply took the opportunity to save his own skin by testifying for the British.