Harvard National Model United Nations - Latin America

The Harvard National Model United Nations - Latin America (HNMUN-LA) is an annual traveling Model United Nations conference that is run by the Harvard International Relations Council and a local team from a host city. HNMUN-LA is the regional edition of Harvard National Model United Nations, considered the most prestigious MUN conference in the world. Its first edition was held in 2012 in Buenos Aires, Argentina; it has been held four times in Lima, Peru.

Harvard National Model United Nations - Latin America

The Harvard National Model United Nations - Latin America (HNMUN-LA) is an annual traveling Model United Nations conference that is run by the Harvard International Relations Council and a local team from a host city. HNMUN-LA is the regional edition of Harvard National Model United Nations, considered the most prestigious MUN conference in the world. Its first edition was held in 2012 in Buenos Aires, Argentina; it has been held four times in Lima, Peru.