Henri Chazé

Henri Chazé (23 February 1904, Chazé-Henry – 1984) was a French communist He was born Gaston Davoust in Chazé-Henry, whose name he reversed to form his pseudonym. His father, Eugène Davoust, was an anarchist railway worker active in his union. He was an advocate of the general strike as advocated by Émile Pouget. When Henri was six his father participated in a major strike by railway workers for weekly rest periods and a better pension. The strike was broken by troops taking over the depots and Eugène was sacked. The family was thrown on hard times and survived by his mother making corsets.

Henri Chazé

Henri Chazé (23 February 1904, Chazé-Henry – 1984) was a French communist He was born Gaston Davoust in Chazé-Henry, whose name he reversed to form his pseudonym. His father, Eugène Davoust, was an anarchist railway worker active in his union. He was an advocate of the general strike as advocated by Émile Pouget. When Henri was six his father participated in a major strike by railway workers for weekly rest periods and a better pension. The strike was broken by troops taking over the depots and Eugène was sacked. The family was thrown on hard times and survived by his mother making corsets.