Henry Nisbet

Henry Nisbet of Dean (floruit 1570–1609) was a Scottish merchant and Provost of Edinburgh. Nisbet was a textile merchant and clothier. In 1587 he supplied the French ambassador Monsieur de Courcelles with violet crimson cloth for his attendant's clothes, mourning cloth at death of Mary, Queen of Scots, a beaver hat, silk points, and ribbon for the ambassador's shoes, and other items. He also advanced the ambassador large sums of money. He was Provost of Edinburgh in 1597. He had a house in Dean just outside Edinburgh, and a house on the High Street.

Henry Nisbet

Henry Nisbet of Dean (floruit 1570–1609) was a Scottish merchant and Provost of Edinburgh. Nisbet was a textile merchant and clothier. In 1587 he supplied the French ambassador Monsieur de Courcelles with violet crimson cloth for his attendant's clothes, mourning cloth at death of Mary, Queen of Scots, a beaver hat, silk points, and ribbon for the ambassador's shoes, and other items. He also advanced the ambassador large sums of money. He was Provost of Edinburgh in 1597. He had a house in Dean just outside Edinburgh, and a house on the High Street.