Heroes Reborn (2021 comic)

"Heroes Reborn" is a 2021 comic book storyline published by Marvel Comics, consisting of a central miniseries written by Jason Aaron and illustrated by Ed McGuinness, as well as a number of tie-in books. The storyline explores a Marvel Universe without the Avengers, though it is unrelated to the 1996–97 storyline of the same name. The plot involves a change in the timeline of the Marvel Universe, which results in a continuity in which the Squadron Supreme are Earth's mightiest heroes while the Avengers never came to be. However, the vampire slayer Blade is the only one aware of the change in history and works to uncover the mystery behind it. The crossover overall received mixed reviews with critics.

Heroes Reborn (2021 comic)

"Heroes Reborn" is a 2021 comic book storyline published by Marvel Comics, consisting of a central miniseries written by Jason Aaron and illustrated by Ed McGuinness, as well as a number of tie-in books. The storyline explores a Marvel Universe without the Avengers, though it is unrelated to the 1996–97 storyline of the same name. The plot involves a change in the timeline of the Marvel Universe, which results in a continuity in which the Squadron Supreme are Earth's mightiest heroes while the Avengers never came to be. However, the vampire slayer Blade is the only one aware of the change in history and works to uncover the mystery behind it. The crossover overall received mixed reviews with critics.