Heroine's journey

In storytelling, the heroine's journey is a female-centric version of the Hero's journey template. Women felt that the Hero's Journey did not fully encompass the journey that a female protagonist goes through in a story. Other authors such as Victoria Lynn Schmidt have created similar versions of the Heroine's Journey based on Murdock's. Schmidt's version changes some stages of Murdock's to help the model fit a bigger range of topics and experiences.

Heroine's journey

In storytelling, the heroine's journey is a female-centric version of the Hero's journey template. Women felt that the Hero's Journey did not fully encompass the journey that a female protagonist goes through in a story. Other authors such as Victoria Lynn Schmidt have created similar versions of the Heroine's Journey based on Murdock's. Schmidt's version changes some stages of Murdock's to help the model fit a bigger range of topics and experiences.