
Hexanal, also called hexanaldehyde or caproaldehyde is an alkyl aldehyde used in the flavor industry to produce fruity flavors. Its scent resembles freshly cut grass, like cis-3-hexenal. It is potentially useful as a natural extract that prevents fruit spoilage. It occurs naturally, and contributes to a hay-like "off-note" flavor in green peas. The first synthesis of hexanal was published in 1907 by P. Bagard.


Hexanal, also called hexanaldehyde or caproaldehyde is an alkyl aldehyde used in the flavor industry to produce fruity flavors. Its scent resembles freshly cut grass, like cis-3-hexenal. It is potentially useful as a natural extract that prevents fruit spoilage. It occurs naturally, and contributes to a hay-like "off-note" flavor in green peas. The first synthesis of hexanal was published in 1907 by P. Bagard.