History of Barda

History of Barda includes the history of the Azerbaijani city of Barda from the medieval period to the present day. In ancient written sources, Barda is mentioned in different ways: Partav, Bakura (in the works of Claudius Ptolemy), Parda, Berda ("Kitabi Dede Gorgud"), Harum (in the poem "Iskender-Name" by Nizami Ganjavi), Firuzabad (in the works of Hamdallah Kazwini), etc. For the first time the city was studied by the Azerbaijani writer of the XX century Abdurahim-bek Ahverdiev.

History of Barda

History of Barda includes the history of the Azerbaijani city of Barda from the medieval period to the present day. In ancient written sources, Barda is mentioned in different ways: Partav, Bakura (in the works of Claudius Ptolemy), Parda, Berda ("Kitabi Dede Gorgud"), Harum (in the poem "Iskender-Name" by Nizami Ganjavi), Firuzabad (in the works of Hamdallah Kazwini), etc. For the first time the city was studied by the Azerbaijani writer of the XX century Abdurahim-bek Ahverdiev.