Hit & Stay

Hit & Stay is a 2013 documentary directed by Joe Tropea and Skizz Cyzyk. It looks at the actions of The Catonsville Nine and The Baltimore Four taken in protest of The Vietnam War, and the influence of these actions and the activists behind them on subsequent progressive political protests. The press labeled this group "the Catholic Left." The film contains interviews with many of the activists who took part in these actions, as well some of the F.B.I. agents who monitored them. It also contains contemporary commentary on the influence of these actions from such names as Bill Ayers, Noam Chomsky, Ramsey Clark, Amy Goodman, Howard Zinn, and Laura Whitehorn.

Hit & Stay

Hit & Stay is a 2013 documentary directed by Joe Tropea and Skizz Cyzyk. It looks at the actions of The Catonsville Nine and The Baltimore Four taken in protest of The Vietnam War, and the influence of these actions and the activists behind them on subsequent progressive political protests. The press labeled this group "the Catholic Left." The film contains interviews with many of the activists who took part in these actions, as well some of the F.B.I. agents who monitored them. It also contains contemporary commentary on the influence of these actions from such names as Bill Ayers, Noam Chomsky, Ramsey Clark, Amy Goodman, Howard Zinn, and Laura Whitehorn.