Hitachi Data Systems

Hitachi Data Systems (HDS) was a provider of modular mid-range and high-end computer data storage systems, software and services. Its operations are now a part of Hitachi Vantara. It was a wholly owned subsidiary of Hitachi Ltd. and part of the Hitachi Information Systems & Telecommunications Division. In 2017 its operations were merged with Pentaho and Hitachi Insight Group to form Hitachi Vantara. In 2010 Hitachi Data Systems sold through direct and indirect channels in more than 170 countries and regions. Its customers included over half of the Fortune 100 companies at the time.

Hitachi Data Systems

Hitachi Data Systems (HDS) was a provider of modular mid-range and high-end computer data storage systems, software and services. Its operations are now a part of Hitachi Vantara. It was a wholly owned subsidiary of Hitachi Ltd. and part of the Hitachi Information Systems & Telecommunications Division. In 2017 its operations were merged with Pentaho and Hitachi Insight Group to form Hitachi Vantara. In 2010 Hitachi Data Systems sold through direct and indirect channels in more than 170 countries and regions. Its customers included over half of the Fortune 100 companies at the time.