Hoa people in Ho Chi Minh City

The Hoa people in Ho Chi Minh City number around 500,000. They live mainly in Cho Lon (District 5, District 6, District 10 and District 11), which is seen as a local Chinatown. The Chinese Vietnamese population accounts for just 4% of the city's population, but its members own around 30% of the city's privately held enterprises. Many of these enterprises are successful companies such as Binh Tien, Thai Tuan and Kinh Do.

Hoa people in Ho Chi Minh City

The Hoa people in Ho Chi Minh City number around 500,000. They live mainly in Cho Lon (District 5, District 6, District 10 and District 11), which is seen as a local Chinatown. The Chinese Vietnamese population accounts for just 4% of the city's population, but its members own around 30% of the city's privately held enterprises. Many of these enterprises are successful companies such as Binh Tien, Thai Tuan and Kinh Do.