
Hoodrush is a 2012 Nigerian musical thriller film written, produced, and directed by Dimeji Ajibola, and starring OC Ukeje, Bimbo Akintola, and Gabriel Afolayan. It received two nominations at the 9th Africa Movie Academy Awards, Gabriel Afolayan eventually won the award for the category Best Actor In A Supporting Role. The film tells a story of the challenges encountered by two brothers who strive to partake in musical talent shows.


Hoodrush is a 2012 Nigerian musical thriller film written, produced, and directed by Dimeji Ajibola, and starring OC Ukeje, Bimbo Akintola, and Gabriel Afolayan. It received two nominations at the 9th Africa Movie Academy Awards, Gabriel Afolayan eventually won the award for the category Best Actor In A Supporting Role. The film tells a story of the challenges encountered by two brothers who strive to partake in musical talent shows.