
A hoot-n-holler (also known as a squawk box system, holler down, shout down or junkyard circuit, and abbreviated as 'hoot' or 'shout') is a type of telecommunications system where there is a permanent open circuit between two or more parties. Any user can speak at any time and be heard over the system immediately - there is no need to pick up a phone, press a button or perform any other separate activation function.


A hoot-n-holler (also known as a squawk box system, holler down, shout down or junkyard circuit, and abbreviated as 'hoot' or 'shout') is a type of telecommunications system where there is a permanent open circuit between two or more parties. Any user can speak at any time and be heard over the system immediately - there is no need to pick up a phone, press a button or perform any other separate activation function.