House of Glass (1988 novel)

House of Glass is the fourth and final novel in the Buru Quartet tetralogy by the Indonesian author Pramoedya Ananta Toer. The original Indonesian edition was published in 1988 and an English translation by Max Lane was published in 1997. The Buru Quartet follows the life of Minke, a heroic character loosely based upon pioneering journalist Tirto Adhi Soerjo. Unlike the other novels, House of Glass is not narrated by Minke. Instead, it follows the perspective of his nemesis, a self-loathing colonial official who is trying to destroy the emergent Indonesian independence movement.

House of Glass (1988 novel)

House of Glass is the fourth and final novel in the Buru Quartet tetralogy by the Indonesian author Pramoedya Ananta Toer. The original Indonesian edition was published in 1988 and an English translation by Max Lane was published in 1997. The Buru Quartet follows the life of Minke, a heroic character loosely based upon pioneering journalist Tirto Adhi Soerjo. Unlike the other novels, House of Glass is not narrated by Minke. Instead, it follows the perspective of his nemesis, a self-loathing colonial official who is trying to destroy the emergent Indonesian independence movement.