Hugh Hornby

Hugh Leycester Hornby (20 November 1888 - 24 March 1965) was an Anglican clergyman. Hornby was born at St. Michael's-on-Wyre, near Preston, Lancashire. He was educated at Rugby School and Balliol College, Oxford. He was curate of St. Annes-on-Sea, Lancashire before the First World War, and in 1910 joined up as a 2nd Lieutenant in the 5th Battalion, K.O.R. Lancaster Regiment, T.A. During the war he served as a Temporary Chaplain to the Forces(TCF), being awarded the Military Cross in France in 1916 and becoming an Honorary Chaplain to the Forces when the war ended. The citation for his MC reads ‘For conspicuous gallantry. He volunteered to act as a stretcher-bearer, and did fine work at great personal risk. He is constantly among the men in the trenches, and never thinks of his comfort or s

Hugh Hornby

Hugh Leycester Hornby (20 November 1888 - 24 March 1965) was an Anglican clergyman. Hornby was born at St. Michael's-on-Wyre, near Preston, Lancashire. He was educated at Rugby School and Balliol College, Oxford. He was curate of St. Annes-on-Sea, Lancashire before the First World War, and in 1910 joined up as a 2nd Lieutenant in the 5th Battalion, K.O.R. Lancaster Regiment, T.A. During the war he served as a Temporary Chaplain to the Forces(TCF), being awarded the Military Cross in France in 1916 and becoming an Honorary Chaplain to the Forces when the war ended. The citation for his MC reads ‘For conspicuous gallantry. He volunteered to act as a stretcher-bearer, and did fine work at great personal risk. He is constantly among the men in the trenches, and never thinks of his comfort or s