Human shield

Human shield is a legal, military and political term denoting a non-combatant (or a group of non-combatants) who is either forced or volunteers to shield a legitimate military target in order to deter the enemy from attacking it. The use of human shields as a resistance measure was popularized by Mahatma Gandhi as a weapon of peace. On the other hand, the weaponization of civilians has also developed as a tactic by some non-state actors like ISIS.

Human shield

Human shield is a legal, military and political term denoting a non-combatant (or a group of non-combatants) who is either forced or volunteers to shield a legitimate military target in order to deter the enemy from attacking it. The use of human shields as a resistance measure was popularized by Mahatma Gandhi as a weapon of peace. On the other hand, the weaponization of civilians has also developed as a tactic by some non-state actors like ISIS.