Humber 15

Humber Fifteen 15 horsepower cars were medium to large cars, classified as medium weight, with a less powerful than usual engine which attracted less annual taxation and provided more stately progress. The coachwork was superbly finished, specially the tourers, and these cars were much favoured by the professional classes. They were manufactured from 1919 to 1924 and 1924 to 1927. Their former place in Humber's catalogue was bracketed in 1927 and 1928 by new cars, a much smaller engined or late in the same year a 20-horsepower six-cylinder of ten per cent greater capacity.

Humber 15

Humber Fifteen 15 horsepower cars were medium to large cars, classified as medium weight, with a less powerful than usual engine which attracted less annual taxation and provided more stately progress. The coachwork was superbly finished, specially the tourers, and these cars were much favoured by the professional classes. They were manufactured from 1919 to 1924 and 1924 to 1927. Their former place in Humber's catalogue was bracketed in 1927 and 1928 by new cars, a much smaller engined or late in the same year a 20-horsepower six-cylinder of ten per cent greater capacity.