Hydra Head Records discography

This is a complete discography of Hydra Head Records releases. Hydra Head Records is an independent record company based in Los Angeles, California, founded in 1993 by Aaron Turner. It has two imprints, Hydra Head Noise Industries, which specialises in experimental and noise music, and another entitled Tortuga Recordings. Bands such as Cave In, Pelican, Isis, Botch and Converge have released records on Hydra Head. Hydra Head often collaborates with other labels, such as Relapse Records and Southern Records, in releasing vinyl editions.

Hydra Head Records discography

This is a complete discography of Hydra Head Records releases. Hydra Head Records is an independent record company based in Los Angeles, California, founded in 1993 by Aaron Turner. It has two imprints, Hydra Head Noise Industries, which specialises in experimental and noise music, and another entitled Tortuga Recordings. Bands such as Cave In, Pelican, Isis, Botch and Converge have released records on Hydra Head. Hydra Head often collaborates with other labels, such as Relapse Records and Southern Records, in releasing vinyl editions.