Hydroflight sports

Hydroflight sports are a category of sport in which water jet propulsion is used to create sustained flight where lift and movement are controlled by a person riding on a propulsion device. It is a fast-paced sport that is growing in popularity at a fine rate of speed. Competitions for this sport started around 2012. There are many training centres throughout the world where beginners to go to learn and practice skills so they can fly these devices by themselves.

Hydroflight sports

Hydroflight sports are a category of sport in which water jet propulsion is used to create sustained flight where lift and movement are controlled by a person riding on a propulsion device. It is a fast-paced sport that is growing in popularity at a fine rate of speed. Competitions for this sport started around 2012. There are many training centres throughout the world where beginners to go to learn and practice skills so they can fly these devices by themselves.