Hygrophorus pudorinus

Hygrophorus pudorinus, commonly known as the blushing waxycap or turpentine waxycap, is a species of fungus in the genus Hygrophorus. Swedish mycologist Elias Magnus Fries described it as Agaricus pudorinus in his 1821 work Systema Mycologicum. It became Hygrophorus pudorinus with the raising of Hygrophorus to genus rank. The species name is the Latin word pudorinus "blushing". The species is classified in the subsection Pudorini of genus Hygrophorus, along with the closely related species H. erubescens and H. purpurascens.

Hygrophorus pudorinus

Hygrophorus pudorinus, commonly known as the blushing waxycap or turpentine waxycap, is a species of fungus in the genus Hygrophorus. Swedish mycologist Elias Magnus Fries described it as Agaricus pudorinus in his 1821 work Systema Mycologicum. It became Hygrophorus pudorinus with the raising of Hygrophorus to genus rank. The species name is the Latin word pudorinus "blushing". The species is classified in the subsection Pudorini of genus Hygrophorus, along with the closely related species H. erubescens and H. purpurascens.