Hypertext (semiotics)

Hypertext, in , is a text which alludes, derives from, or relates to an earlier work or hypotext. For example, James Joyce's Ulysses could be regarded as one of the many hypertexts deriving from Homer's Odyssey; Angela Carter's "The Tiger's Bride" can be considered a hypertext which relates to an earlier work, or hypotext, the original fairy-story Beauty and the Beast. Hypertexts may take a variety of forms including imitation, parody, and pastiche. * 1. Discourse as discoursed; * 2. Discourse as stored; * 3. Story as discoursed; * 4. Stories as stored (potential story lines).

Hypertext (semiotics)

Hypertext, in , is a text which alludes, derives from, or relates to an earlier work or hypotext. For example, James Joyce's Ulysses could be regarded as one of the many hypertexts deriving from Homer's Odyssey; Angela Carter's "The Tiger's Bride" can be considered a hypertext which relates to an earlier work, or hypotext, the original fairy-story Beauty and the Beast. Hypertexts may take a variety of forms including imitation, parody, and pastiche. * 1. Discourse as discoursed; * 2. Discourse as stored; * 3. Story as discoursed; * 4. Stories as stored (potential story lines).