
A hypoxicator is a medical device intended to provide a stimulus for the adaptation of an individual's cardiovascular system by means of breathing reduced oxygen and triggering mechanisms of compensation. The aim of intermittent hypoxic training or conducted with such a device is to obtain benefits in physical performance and wellbeing through improved oxygen metabolism. There are several commercial systems available. Most of these systems have not been cleared for medical applications by the FDA and are used by athletes for altitude training.


A hypoxicator is a medical device intended to provide a stimulus for the adaptation of an individual's cardiovascular system by means of breathing reduced oxygen and triggering mechanisms of compensation. The aim of intermittent hypoxic training or conducted with such a device is to obtain benefits in physical performance and wellbeing through improved oxygen metabolism. There are several commercial systems available. Most of these systems have not been cleared for medical applications by the FDA and are used by athletes for altitude training.