I, Barnabé

I, Barnabé (French: Moi, Barnabé) is a Canadian animated short film, directed by Jean-François Lévesque and released in 2019. The film centres on a Roman Catholic priest who undergoes a crisis of faith. The film premiered on June 14, 2020 at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival. The film received a Canadian Screen Award nomination for Best Animated Short at the 9th Canadian Screen Awards, and a Prix Iris nomination for Best Animated Short Film at the 22B Quebec Cinema Awards.

I, Barnabé

I, Barnabé (French: Moi, Barnabé) is a Canadian animated short film, directed by Jean-François Lévesque and released in 2019. The film centres on a Roman Catholic priest who undergoes a crisis of faith. The film premiered on June 14, 2020 at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival. The film received a Canadian Screen Award nomination for Best Animated Short at the 9th Canadian Screen Awards, and a Prix Iris nomination for Best Animated Short Film at the 22B Quebec Cinema Awards.