Ice Hockey Stadium of Dunaújváros

Ice Hockey Stadium of Dunaújváros is located in , , at the of Dunaújváros City, Hungary. Dunaújváros is 75 kilometers from Budapest near the Danube river. Stadium has built among the and the . It is possible to approach the DAB-Docler's sport hall base through the 6 highway and the M6 highway or from the Danube–Tisza Interfluve through the Pentele Bridge.

Ice Hockey Stadium of Dunaújváros

Ice Hockey Stadium of Dunaújváros is located in , , at the of Dunaújváros City, Hungary. Dunaújváros is 75 kilometers from Budapest near the Danube river. Stadium has built among the and the . It is possible to approach the DAB-Docler's sport hall base through the 6 highway and the M6 highway or from the Danube–Tisza Interfluve through the Pentele Bridge.