Impeachment of Wilson Witzel

The impeachment of Wilson Witzel, the 63rd Governor of Rio de Janeiro, occurred on 10 June 2020, when a petition for his impeachment was accepted by André Ceciliano, President of the Legislative Assembly after a symbolic voting in the virtual floor of the house. State Deputies Lúcia Helena and Luiz Paulo Correa filed a petition accusing governor Witzel of the following crimes: acquisition of overpriced respirators; suspect bidding for the construction of temporary hospitals; linking with the arrested entrepreneur Mário Peixoto; rejection of the 2019 budget by the state Court of Accounts. Once approved, the process moves to a special committee, where each one of the 29 parties in the Assembly choose representatives to make an impeachment committee. The report, authorizing the impeachment pr

Impeachment of Wilson Witzel

The impeachment of Wilson Witzel, the 63rd Governor of Rio de Janeiro, occurred on 10 June 2020, when a petition for his impeachment was accepted by André Ceciliano, President of the Legislative Assembly after a symbolic voting in the virtual floor of the house. State Deputies Lúcia Helena and Luiz Paulo Correa filed a petition accusing governor Witzel of the following crimes: acquisition of overpriced respirators; suspect bidding for the construction of temporary hospitals; linking with the arrested entrepreneur Mário Peixoto; rejection of the 2019 budget by the state Court of Accounts. Once approved, the process moves to a special committee, where each one of the 29 parties in the Assembly choose representatives to make an impeachment committee. The report, authorizing the impeachment pr