In Rwanda We Say…The Family That Does Not Speak Dies

In Rwanda We Say…The Family That Does Not Speak Dies is a documentary film examining the Gacaca justice process in the aftermath of the 1994 Rwandan genocide. Directed by Anne Aghion and produced by Gacaca Productions, this 2004 film won an Emmy Award for "Outstanding Informational Programming." Filmed in Rwanda, the language of In Rwanda is Kinyarwanda with English subtitles.

In Rwanda We Say…The Family That Does Not Speak Dies

In Rwanda We Say…The Family That Does Not Speak Dies is a documentary film examining the Gacaca justice process in the aftermath of the 1994 Rwandan genocide. Directed by Anne Aghion and produced by Gacaca Productions, this 2004 film won an Emmy Award for "Outstanding Informational Programming." Filmed in Rwanda, the language of In Rwanda is Kinyarwanda with English subtitles.